Quality Assurance | Дніпровський інститут медицини та громадського здоров'я

Quality Assurance

Official policy for quality assurance and quality development is set out in the Educational Policy and Management, which is developed in accordance with MAC recommendations.

The purpose of the monitoring is to collect, process and disseminate unbiased information about the status of the system of internal quality assurance, as well as to use the received information for development of recommendations for improvement of this system at the DIMPH, to take managerial decisions on quality assurance and quality development.

Main Principles of QA at DIMH

1) Monitoring and periodic review of Study Programs

2) Annual evaluation of students, researchers, faculty staff and regular publication of the results of such evaluations on the official website, on information stands and in any other way

3) Providing advanced continuous professional training of faculty members

4) Ensuring the availability of the necessary resources (facilities and equipment) for the organization of the educational process, including resources for self-learning of students

5) Ensuring the availability of information systems for effective management of the educational process

6) Ensuring publicity of information about study programs, degrees of higher education and qualification; link educational diagram and study program

7) Ensuring an effective system by detecting: Plagiarism, Falsifying or manipulating data and Cheating

The monitoring of the internal quality assurance system includes: 

  • teaching materials, material and technical basis, regulatory framework, as well as human resourcing for educational activities
  • research activity, its effectiveness and implementation in the study process;
  • the results of study;
  • the results of passing KROK exam;
  • the level of students’ satisfaction with the quality of the study process;
  • the level of employment of the graduates;
  • assessment of the graduates’ professional competences by employers.

The internal monitoring of the quality of education is performed by DIMPH organizational units and individuals. The quality of education is controlled by performers within their official powers in the monitoring process (see the chart below).

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