Faculty Members | Дніпровський інститут медицини та громадського здоров'я / Dnipro Institute of Medicine and Public Health

Faculty Members

We pride ourselves on providing an excellent teaching and learning experience for our students, being taught by leaders in their fields, with syllabuses that has been inspired by the latest thinking, which is fundamental to future success of our graduates. 

DIMH (within Medical Academic Consortium) has organized the didactic continuing education for teachers in accordance with the national requirements. 

The main structural unit which provides didactic continuing education in the Institute is Methodological Council.  Meetings of the Methodological Council are held at least twice a semester in order to improve teaching methods, assessment and current organizational issues.

Continuous professional development of educators is also carried out on special courses in partner institutions.  Based on Ukrainian legislation advanced training in pedagogical skills for educators has to be carried out at least once per five years. DIMH educators have the opportunity to improve their skills in thematic improvement classes, master classes, vocational schools, scientific and practical events etc.

The system of professional development of DIMH teachers promotes their participation in research work by reimbursing the costs of published articles in journals which are included to the Scopus and Web of science databases, and for the participation in scientific and practical activities.  Additionally, DIMH reimburses expenses to the faculty for advancing their English language skills.   A bonus system is in place for the publication of textbooks, manuals and other didactic materials.  

The Institute implemented a set of modern projects to improve the professional skills of educators:

  • grant from the House of Europe (2020) – the “School of Quality of Medical Education” with the participation of leading speakers from the EU;
  • grant from the US Government to develop and implement the “Professional English for Healthcare Workers” program in conjunction with St. Catherine University USA, Georgia State University USA and the American Council.

A separate requirement for teachers is the need to improve soft skills (organizational, creative, leadership, communication, etc.) at least once every five years.  The “Educational Hub” project implemented at the MAC is aimed at improving soft skills through various trainings, such as “Effective and positive communication techniques”, “Effective feedback: how to speak so that you can be heard. Life hacks from experts”, “Communication barriers and successful adaptation to the interlocutor” etc.

Evaluation of the level of qualifications of teachers in MAC is performed through the following measures: 
1. Students’ survey on teaching quality satisfaction by questionnaire  

2. Procedure of selection and certification of teaching staff 

3. Attendance of lectures and other classes by the heads of departments.

The evaluation results demonstrate appropriate qualifications of all members of the teaching staff as educators. MAC has policies and strategies in place for continuing the professional development of teaching staff. Professional development of teachers and dissemination of best practices, implementation of academic and innovative methods in the study process are important goals of Institutions of MAC. The priority area of MAC policy is to ensure professional development of teaching staff and improvement of their practical skills. All members of the teaching staff permanently improve their teaching excellence. The main forms of professional development are: professional training and seminars at institutions of MAC and other Higher Educational Institution; study trips (teachers’ mobility) to Higher Educational Institutions in Ukraine and abroad; exchange of experience of teaching excellence through mutual attendance of lectures by teachers and dissemination of best practices; The purpose is to improve teaching skills by mastery of interactive technologies and implementation of this into the teaching process. The training sessions and workshops are aimed at raising the professional qualification of teachers, generalization and dissemination of the best practices in teaching. The participants will develop the following competences and skills: selection of interactive teaching technologies (ITT) according to the tasks and contents of a training course; use of the main ITT in lectures, seminars and practical studies; employment of creative competencies, required for assuring effective research and academic activities, as well as involvement of students in active participation in the process of education.

Teachers of MAC have to undertake professional development activities (1–3 months) every 3-5 years at companies, organisations or Higher Educational Institutions according to their area of teaching. The University has agreements on professional development of teaching staff with Higher Educational Institutions and companies of Ukraine,  Participation of teachers in international mobility programmes is important for professional development and encouraged by the institutions of MAC.

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